Topic 2 DQ 2.1

Topic 2 DQ 2.1

Please respond with a paragraph to the following question, add citations and references:

As President Obama passed the PPACA in 2010, the listed provisions provided aid, in many forms, to the healthcare field. With the current state of worldwide nursing shortages, the several provisions were created to aid the nursing field. Section 5309 provides funding via grants directed towards nursing retention (Nursing and Health Reform, n.d.). The grants would be allocated to nursing schools or health facilities which promote nursing career advancement. In addition, section 5404 provides grants for current nurses to obtain a higher level of education via a bridge program. Nurses with higher level of education- nurse educators- in a high demand. With the nursing shortage, not only is enrollment low, some schools do not have sufficient nurse educators to teach new and upcoming graduates(Nursing and Health Reform, n.d.). In 2010 the IOM was also created and these provision coincide with the IOM recommendations. The provisions listed in the PPACA does not only apply to nurses, advanced nursing and nurse educators. The PPACA also includes a section which is directed at health care delivered. Section 2703 is specific to home health. With the baby boomers becoming a large portion of our patient population, Medicare cost and delivered care need to be addressed. Section 2703 would provide up to 90% of funded needed, pending Medicaid patients enrolled with a designated provider or team of medical professionals.

Both the PPACA and the IOM have made significant changes to the healthcare system. As a nursing point of view, the changes will impact us significantly. The changes have been directed towards to role of nurses, aid provided to increase advanced education, and provides efforts to not only encourage new nurses but to retain the nurses we currently have.

Nursing and Health Reform (n.d.) Retrieved from…