United States and The Second World War Assginment 5

United States and The Second World War Assginment 5

Question 1

  1. Discuss the varied perspectives regarding the United States’ participation in World War II (WWII). Compare the views from political, social, and economic realms, including those of the American people not active in the military and from the international community. Your response should be a minimum of 300 words.

Question 2

  1. Discuss the United States’ entry into and role during WWII. Be sure to include key events, outcomes, and narratives. How did the United States’ power and influence throughout the world factor into their choice to enter the conflict and determine their actions during the conflict? Your response should be a minimum of 300 words.
  2. Question 3

  1. Match the figure/term to the most appropriate description/definition.
    Joseph Stalin
    Herman Marion Sweatt
    Mao Zedong
    Chiang Kai-shek
    Joseph McCarthy
    Kim Il Sung
    Douglas MacArthur
    Werner von Braun
    Alan Turing
    Rosa Parks
    Servicemen’s Readjustment Act
    The Fair Deal
    The Long Telegram
    The Truman Doctrine
    The Marshall Plan
    Truce Line
    Massive retaliation
    Iron Curtain
    A. U.S. offer of support to European allies in the form of financial assistance, weaponry, and troops to help their governments and militaries against Communism
    B. A message sent to Washington, D.C. from a U.S. official in Moscow that outlined the feared intent of Soviet leaders to destroy rival nations and their worldly influence
    C. An economic recovery program that stipulated economic aid as long as it was spent on American goods and cooperation among European nations
    D. Set of social legislation programs created by Truman to help the United States adjust to a post-war economy
    E. U.S. Senator famously associated with warnings about the Communist threat as well as attacking Americans he claimed were potentially working with the Soviets
    F. Also known as the GI Bill, it was supposed to provide every honorably discharged veteran who had seen active duty eligibility to receive a year’s worth of unemployment compensation, but it was associated with discrimination
    G. The Taft-Hartley Act
    H. Controversial U.S. General who, despite a stellar record, was relieved of command after a disagreement with the U.S. president over the Korean conflict
    I. A plan for nuclear response to a first Soviet strike so devastating that the attackers would not be able to respond; also labeled as mutually assured destruction
    J. The first manmade satellite that also served to increase funding for science and engineering programs at American universities
    K. Chinese Communist Party, or People’s Republic of China leader
    L. Adlai Stevenson
    M. Central figure behind a city-wide boycott of public transportation in Montgomery, Alabama, that eventually led to the city’s segregation ordinance being declared unconstitutional
    N. A reference to portions of Eastern Europe that the Soviet Union had incorporated into its sphere of influence and that no longer were free to manage their own affairs
    O. A tally of notable Americans who were prevented employment due to suspected Communist ties
    P. Also known as the demilitarized zone and commonly referenced as the 38th parallel, it is the border between North and South Korea since the halting of aggressions
    Q. Filed a suit against the University of Texas that was one of several discrimination cases brought forth to the Supreme Court in the post-war era to challenge “separate but equal”
    R. Mathematician who broke the Enigma code and created a machine that mimicked human thought
    S. North Korea’s leader at the advent of the Korean Conflict
    T. Chinese Nationalist leader at the end of World War II (WWII)
    U. The premier of the Soviet Union immediately at the end of World War II (WWII)
    V. Captured German rocket engineer who worked on American defenses

Question 4

  1. Describe the ways the United States adapted to change and the expectations that came with being a superpower during the Cold War. What was the biggest challenge that the United States had to overcome with the rising pressure of Communism? How did the changing national interests impact American perspectives on society? Your response should be a minimum of 300 words.