Van Dyke v Washington 896 F. Supp.183 Published Legal Opinion Analysis

Van Dyke v Washington 896 F. Supp.183 Published Legal Opinion Analysis

In this assignment, you are to summarize the law and facts involved in a published legal opinion. Then, from the perspective of two different ethical models, you will analyze whether either party acted ethically. Finally, you will evaluate the extent to which the parties’ dispute could have been diffused or resolved had Regis/Jesuit core values been applied.

Using the NexisUni database, find a case pertaining to the operation of business. (Course Resources – Guideline for NexisUni Searches)

Study the case to identify the legal principle at issue, the salient facts of the case, and the court’s ruling.

Next, study the ethical theories assigned for this week – Utilitarianism, Kantianism and Social Darwinism, as well as the Regis Jesuit values. (Library Guide – Week 4, link in Course Resources; Week 2 From the Expert) For this week’s analysis you are to apply two ethical theories: either Utilitarianism OR Kantian ethics AND Social Darwinism.

Then, using the format provided (Course Resources, Guideline for Case Analyses), your paper will have two parts: a Brief, which summarizes the law and facts at issue, and an Analysis, where you will analyze the dispute from two ethical perspectives and, then, evaluate how the use of Regis/Jesuit values would have affected the parties’ dispute.

Your paper must address the following elements:

  • The Brief – outlining the facts and law of this case (2 pages; single spaced)
  • The Analysis – compose an analysis addressing the following questions (3 pages; double spaced):
    • From either the Utilitarian or Kantian perspective, was either party ethical? Why? Why not? Cite facts from the case and key elements of the ethical theory chosen to support your conclusion.
    • From the perspective of Social Darwinism, was either party ethical? Why? Why not? Cite facts from the case and key elements of Social Darwinism to support your conclusion.
    • Applying two of the six core Jesuit values (Week 4, Library Guide), how might the use of those principles have diffused or resolved the parties’ dispute? Cite practical examples of how the Jesuit values could have been applied.