Week 12 Born A Crime By Trevor Noah CR7 Quiz & Domestic Violence

Week 12 Born A Crime By Trevor Noah CR7 Quiz & Domestic Violence


I use the quiz function to collect your short answers to the following close reading questions.You can only click on the quiz once, so only do so when you’re ready to paste in your answers in the appropriate box.

  • I suggest you cut and paste these into a Word, Pages, or Google doc and then write out your answers.
  • Keep a copy of the q&a in case Canvas has a problem when you’re trying to upload.


Question 1 10 pts

1. Trevor Noah, Born a Crime (10 pts)

Question: Based on your reading of Chapter 14, explain the uniquely South African reason why Trevor Noah and his date did not have a great time at prom

In your answer, include at least one direct quote from the text, with page # (book) / location number (Kindle) / time-stamp (audio book), which supports your claim.

Question 2 10 pts

2. Trevor Noah, Born a Crime (10 pts)

Question: Based on your reading of Chapter 15, please explain what Noah means by the statement below and contrast this with his claim that his accent sounds like Hitler when he’s speaking German from the excerpt of Live at the Apollo (Module 2 Unit 2):

The name Hitler does not offend a black South African because Hitler is not the worst thing a black South African can imagine (95)

Your answer must do more than say both references to Hitler are different.

Assigned Reading

smaller globe.png1. Trevor Noah, Born a Crime (Ch 13 – Ch 18)


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PW: Hell@2531

EXP 5/21

2. South African College of Applied Psychology, “The Growing Epidemic of Domestic Violence in South Africa. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.” 20 July 2018

Icon - color - video.png ASSIGNED VIEWING

SABC Digital News “Violence Against Women Reaches Crisis Point in South Africa” (8 min 49 sec)