What is bilingualism and how does it connects to codeswitching, language learning, slang and the rest at the bottom?

What is bilingualism and how does it connects to codeswitching, language learning, slang and the rest at the bottom?

  • 3 pages in length
  • Typed, 12-point Times New Roman, and double-spaced
  • Cite at least 5 different sources
  • MLA formatGeneral Paper Structure:
  • Introduction – describe your scientific field or topic.
  • Body – explain how it relates to life outside of the classroom. In other words, whyshould everyone study it?
  • Conclusion – your thoughts about the topic
  • the citation page goes on a separate paper
  • please try to include the following topics and how they relate to bilingualism: codeswitching, how is bilingualism is taught, the style of speaking for example speaking different with friends than with parents or teachers, slang, being deaf and learning a second language, and how they all connect. you don’t have to mention every single one of these but most important is code switching.
  • include that i’m a bilingual myself who speaks Arabic and English.