York University Ellen Goodman Womb for Rent

York University Ellen Goodman Womb for Rent

, par. summary first then map and indented legend

– the map (at top) and legend (not the par. summary) must be all on one page (use a flip-down page if you have to)

– I will take a mark off if the map and legend are not on the same page (a flip-down page will count as the same page)

– also, at the end of each premise in the legend, I need to see the paragraph number(s) that it came from

– e.g., P3: “It’s my lawn” (2, 10)

Argument Structure (map and legend all on one page if possible, possibly even using 8-pt font if you have to)

Paragraph Summary for each paragrpha in the passage

Argument Map

Argument Legend